Creating a blog is easy ! Check out the FAQ's
1. What is a blog ?
A. A blog is a space on the web where you can publish your information for free.
2. Is it simple ?
A. Yes
3. How can i create a blog ?
A. You can create it online by using either or
4. Would i need to install software ?
A. No
5. What can i write in it ?
A. Anything what you want to publish , either news or about some product or service , our opinions ..
6. Will i have to pay for it ?
A. No , you no need to pay anything , it is 100% free.
7. Which is best option or ?
A. It all depends upon you , if you want your blog to be simple and make blogging in the easiest way with quite less features , i suggest or if you want it with more features facing a quite difficulty and wanted to do advanced blogging then is better.