List of world's most fastest DNS Servers for all countries

DNS ( Domain Naming Service ) is very important , and is related with your internet speed , ofcourse however if you optimize it , there are chances to increase your internet speed , many websites and blogs write about the fastest dns servers in india , but according to me , the fastest dns servers in india , are the ones that offered by your ISP ( Internet Service Provider ) , according to experts of TipsnTricks4all , we have got to know under may researches , we found that mostly the ISP provided dns servers has been working excellent , but so far , we have also observed in some cases that some ISP's are not offering the fastest dns servers , they are working to slow and at times irritating the users , well i have a good solution for it , according to the experts of TipsnTricks4all , we found the list of the most fastest dns in India , eliminating the ISP provided ones
  • OpenDNS : It is the most fastest , reliable dns which is widely used not only in India but also across the world , it is a fact that over millions of users trust OpenDNS , than any other ones , so i recommend it , here are the primary and secondary dns :
  • Well if the OpenDNS is , the one , usually there is another alternative for it , that is DNSAdvantage i recommend it too ! but still according to me and millions of users , OpenDNS is trusted , but however this is also preferred , you can also use 
  • The another one is Google Public DNS , that to works faster , most of the times , but still , it does not provide security , thats why the top 2 domains are mostly preferred , here are the primary and secondary dns : 
  • If you want to know about how to set the dns click here