What are the drawbacks of Internet Explorer ? Internet Explorer vs Firefox

Our team , TipsnTricks4All went on several test of browsers and found that Internet Explorer is not that safe for surfing the internet , it is a microsoft product and is strongly bond with the Windows Operating System , well we can say this , when we open control panel and wanted to clean the history or change the Internet Options , we can do that , and it effects Internet Explorer , but whereas other browser like Firefox,Chrome etc , does not have such a strong bond with operating system.
         what if a browser have a strong bond with the operating system ?.Well, you have an answer for that , our tipsntricks4all team went on under several experiments on browsers , how safe they are and how fast they are , and in that expirement what we (tipsntricks4all) found is Internet Explorer is easily vulnerable to spyware on the internet , and as it is strongly bond with Windows operating system , the spread and effect of spyware is more and hence , data stealing , hacking can be done very easily , when we observe , browsers that have a strong relation with operating systems , may be easily vulnerable to spyware and besides windows is mostly vulnerable to spyware,viruses,worms,trojan horses,malware,adware and more..
       So , tipsntricks4all suggestion is to use browsers like Firefox,Google Chrome,Opera and so on..

Note : Our tipsntricks4all team is not completely criticizing in Internet Explorer , instead it is a just a drawback , however Microsoft is still extending the browser in order to increase more security features can soon recover the drawback !